The CRICE Programme requires the completion of an e-learning course and submission of relevant electronic forms according to the level of access required to enter the Clinical Environment.

The outcome of the CRICE Programme is the issuance of a CRICE Access Card. There are three levels of CRICE access as follows:


CRICE INcluding Sterile Field


CRICE EXcluding Sterile Field




CRICE INcluding Sterile Field
CRICE EXcluding Sterile Field
Confidentiality Undertaking
Company Declaration
Declaration by Representative (incl Hep B vaccination)
Headshot Digital Colour Photo
Practical Component: Aseptic Techniques
Module 1 - E-Learning
Module 2 - E-Learning
Module 3 - E-Learning
CRICE Access Card
Cost (excl. VAT) Jan-Dec 2025
R 2255
R 1208
R 700



Roles, Responsibilities and Ethical Conduct

  • Defining 'clinical environment'
  • Role of companies, clinical entities, HCP, company representatives
  • Ethical and professional behaviour
  • Informed Consent


Infection Prevention and Control

  • What is infection control?
  • Surgical attire
  • Aseptic techniques: (Including surgical hand scrub, gowning and gloving in 'Theatre setting' training)
  • Universal precautions


Medical and Legal Aspects

  • Medical & Legal consequences
  • Out-of-scope behavior
  • Case Studies


Please complete the questions below to determine the level of access required.
Are you required to glove and gown either routinely or on the odd occasion when entering the theatre?
Do you work or may work in the presence of the patient?
Do you have access or may have access whether directly or indirectly to patient personal information?
Do you engage or may engage in one or more of these activities: market access activities, medical aid motivations, patient assistance programs, servicing and maintenance of equipment/systems that stores/processes patient personal information?
Do you, for any reason, enter the hospital environment beyond the hospital foyer, medical practitioner rooms, pharmacy, lab and radiology?
Do you enter the theatre environment even in the absence of a patient to count stock or to service/repair equipment?


If you are the current CRICE Point of Contact (POC) and had previously purchased CRICE for one or more employees on behalf of your company using the online enrollment system 

then follow the instructions under question 1 on the FAQ section
If you are a newly appointed CRICE POC or an additional POC but your company has previously enrolled staff

then send and an email to with subject header: Registration as a CRICE POC. Include the current POC or relevant person who had authorized you to act as the POC in your email.
If your company has not enrolled staff on CRICE previously and you would now like to register your company and yourself as the CRICE POC

then send and an email to with subject header: CRICE New Customer


The Company Representative in Clinical Environment (CRICE) programme is a SAMED initiative administered by Masoom Training Solutions (MTS). The outcome of the CRICE Programme is the issuance of the CRICE ACCESS CARD that is a requirement for entry into Hospitals in South Africa
The CRICE ACCESS CARD is applicable to SAMED and Non-SAMED members.

1. How to enrol/register on CRICE?

Only a person registered as a Point of Contact (POC) with Masoom Training Solutions may enroll staff on CRICE using the Online Enrolment System. Please get in touch with your Company POC to be enrolled.

2a. Is the CRICE Access Card mandatory?

Yes, for entry into Netcare, Life Healthcare, Mediclinic, Zuid Afrikaans Hospital, Kiaat and Wilmed Park Hospital the Digital CRICE Access Card is mandatory for CRs across sectors. 

The CRICE Programme is available at three different access levels depending on the activities that you as a CR will undertake when in the Clinical Environment. Please ask your POC to use the ‘Determine the Level of Access Required’ tool to check which course is required. Green card is Including sterile filed, Blue card is Excluding sterile field and White card is CRICE General. 

Here is a summary: 

  • CRICE Including Sterile Field (Green Card): If you a CR who enters the theatre setting as well as the sterile field, you are expected to be familiar with surgical hand scrubbing, gowning and gloving procedures. It is important that if you as a CR do not routinely but may potentially enter the sterile field, then you must take the CRICE Including Sterile Field course. As a CR you must present yourself at Pharmacy with your Digital CRICE Access Card and scan the Check-In QR code for access into the required area, you may than proceed to Green Area and follow Green Area process.


  • CRICE Excluding Sterile Field (Blue Card): If you a CR that enters the clinical environment and who may work or works in the presence of a patient and may or may not have access to patient personal information. This includes, but is not limited to, CRs who enter theatre but not the sterile field, if you are a CR who engages in market access activities, medical aid motivations, patient assistance programs, servicing and maintenance of equipment or systems that stores/processes patient personal information within their facilities. As a CR you must present yourself at Pharmacy with your Digital CRICE Access Card and scan the check-in QR code for access into the required area and proceed to Blue Area and follow Blue Area process.  


  • CRICE General (White Card):  If you are a CR who simply details Healthcare Practitioners (HCPs) on your product(s) in the HCP rooms/facilities, which may be located within the Hospital and who do not work in the presence of the patient nor has access to patient personal information. As a CR you must present yourself at Pharmacy with your Digital CRICE Access Card and scan the check-in QR code for access into the required White Area, you must also ensure that whilst visiting HCP within the Hospital, that you can visibly display your card when required.

2b. Will the CRICE Access Card be valid for other hospital groups should they also require controlled access to their facilities?

The plastic version of the CRICE Access Card has been replaced with the Digital CRICE Access Card. All holders of valid CRICE Cards have received an email from to download and access the CRICE CAMS Application from Google PlayStore or AppleStore. 

CRICE CertificateOn successfully completing the CRICE Programme (completion of steps 1 to 4) on the CRICE CAMS Mobile Application you will automatically be able to view, print, download or save your CRICE Certificate and email to your POC (in CC). 

Digital CRICE Access CardOn successfully completing the CRICE Programme on the CRICE CAMS Mobile Application, your Digital CRICE Access Card will automatically be activated on the CRICE CAMS Mobile Application. Use as per instructions below:

Netcare group: Fully operational.

  • On entering the hospital facility, open your CRICE CAMS app, grant permission to access your location and follow the pop-up instruction to proceed to the pharmacy. 
  • Click on the Digital CRICE Access Card button which opens the camera. 
  • Face your phone towards the QR Code and scan the QR Code as per step-by-step instructions that appear on the Pharmacy Notice. 
  • A ‘Checked In’ message will appear on your screen. 
  • All company representatives will proceed to appointment and scan any additional QR Code notices they may encounter. 

Life Healthcare: fully operational at Flora Clinic, Eugene Marais hospital and St Dominics

    1. On entering the hospital facility, open your CRICE CAMS app, grant permission to access your location and follow the pop-up instruction to proceed to the pharmacy.
    2. Click on the Digital CRICE Access Card button which opens the camera.
    3. Face your phone towards the QR Code and scan the QR Code as per step-by-step instructions that appear on the Pharmacy Notice.
    4. A ‘Checked In’ message will appear on your screen.
    5. All company representatives will proceed to appointment and scan any additional QR Code notices they may encounter.
    6. If QR Code scan is unsuccessful, check the following:
      1. Uninstall and reinstall the CRICE CAMS app to refresh.
      2. Ensure you have completed training (4 steps must appear ticked)
      3. There may have been updates, and your card has been revoked and will be reinstated as soon as you complete the updates.
      4. Ensure you have given permission for the app to access your GPS location and camera.
      5. If above does not work,  then click on the Contact Us button in the CRICE CAMS app and send a message.

Life Healthcare: Partial use at remaining sites

  • Follow routine Life Healthcare hospital access policy. 
  • Report to gatekeeper and show Digital CRICE Access Card instead of plastic card. Report any issues that may arise using Contact Us button. 
    • QR Codes will NOT be tested at this point in time 

Wilmed Park Hospital: Fully operational

  • On entering the hospital facility, open your CRICE CAMS app, grant permission to access your location and follow the pop-up instruction to proceed to the gatekeeper. 
  • The gatekeeper will be in possession of a printed or electronic copy of a QR Code. 
  • Click on the Digital CRICE Access Card button which opens the camera. 
  • Face your phone towards the QR Code and a ‘Checked In’ message will appear on your screen. Likewise on check-out, report to correct gatekeeper and scan check out QR Code. 

 Mediclinic Hospital Group: Partial use at this point 

  • Follow routine Mediclinic hospital access policy and report to the gatekeeper as specified in their policy 
  • Show Digital CRICE Access Card and report any issues that may arise using the Contact Us button. 
    • QR Codes will NOT be tested at this point in time 
    • Likewise on check-out, report to correct gatekeeper and scan check out QR Code

 Zuid Afrikaans Hospital: Fully operational 

  • On entering the hospital facility, open your CRICE CAMS app, grant permission to access your location and follow the pop-up instruction to proceed to the gatekeeper. 
  • The gatekeeper will be in possession of a printed or electronic copy of a QR Code. 
  • Click on the Digital CRICE Access Card button which opens the camera. 
    • Face your phone towards the QR Code and a ‘Checked In’ message will appear on your screen.


Public Hospitals: we are in phase 3 and still setting up, therefore CRICE Digital Access card is not yet in use.

Yes, SAMED has envisioned a centralized implementation of the CRICE Access Card and will work closely with MTS to incorporate various hospital group requirements into the CRICE Programme with no additional cost to the company.

3. Is the CRICE Access Card applicable only to sales representative? Are Clinical Research Associates (CRAs) required to do the CRICE training?

The Digital CRICE Access Card is applicable to any person representing the company and entering the clinical environment.

CRA’s who visit HCP rooms to monitor/audit clinical research within facilities are not required to complete the training, as sufficient policies exist to provide adequate protection to trial participants. However, CRA’s who may be required to enter clinical environments beyond the HCP rooms (such as ward, ICU etc) are required to complete the CRICE Excluding Sterile Field programme.

4. How does the Digital CRICE Access Card work?

5. What should I do if I transfer to another company? Is my CRICE Access Card still valid?

Yes, it is still valid. However, the main Point of Contact (POC) for CRICE at your new company will need to request the transfer and pay a nominal fee. You will need to contact your POC for a transfer or if you do not know who the POC is, consult with your manager.

6. Can I transfer an unused CRICE Enrolment to another employee.

Effective 1 August 2016; CRICE Enrolments are no longer Transferable or Refundable irrespective of the progress status.

Masoom Training Solutions has made available a tool for your company to verify all enrolments and can check if the new recruits have been enrolled. Ask your POC to use the ‘Determine the Level of Access Requirement’ tool on their home page to ensure that you qualify for a Digital CRICE Access Card.

7. How do Independent Sales Agents go about receiving CRICE Access Cards?

Independent Sales Agents will follow the normal enrolment procedure and will be issued with a card with the company name completed as Sales Agent. However, Masoom Training Solutions will conduct an investigation as to which companies and products the sales agent represent(s) including making contact with such companies to verify the information provided. It is essential that only authenticated company representatives are issued with a card so that we protect hospital facilities from unauthorised access

8. What should I do if my CRICE Access Card has expired?

You will need to be enrolled into the CRICE Refresher course by the main CRICE point of contact (POC) at your company. Please contact your CRICE POC or if you do not know who the POC is, then consult with your manager.

9. I am not a Company Representative but would like to enter the medical sales profession. I would like to complete the CRICE programme. Can I?

Yes and No; Yes you may complete the e-learning component of the programme and receive Certification but No, you will not qualify to receive a Digital CRICE Access Card unless you are currently a medical sales representative representing a bona-fide company in South Africa.

10. Is the CRICE Access Card only applicable to medical device companies?

No, the Digital CRICE ACCESS CARD applies to all CRs in the medical industry including IVD, medical device and pharmaceuticals. It is anticipated that pharmaceutical representatives will require the CRICE General Card as they primarily visit HCP rooms and do not enter their facilities. 

Likewise, CRs who only enter Pharmacy, laboratory or radiology departments will only require CRICE General Cards. 

Ask your POC to use the ‘Determine the Level of Access Requirement’ tool on their home page to ensure which CRICE Course you will qualify for.  

The CRICE Access Card includes, but is not limited to, representatives from the following sectors: 

  • Pharmaceutical Representatives 
  • Consumer Representatives 
  • IVD Representatives 
  • Surgical devices Representatives 
  • Supplier company service engineer/technicians 
  • Equipment Representatives 
  • Health Technology Representatives 
  • Private Nurse Practitioners 
  • Sales Agents

11. Clause 5 of the confidentiality undertaking states: ‘I acknowledge that this Undertaking is governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa and I agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the High courts of South Africa in respect of any claim, dispute or difference arising out of or in connection with this Undertaking’. What does this mean?

It means that the confidentiality undertaking was compiled based on laws of the country but that any dispute in interpretation or understanding that may arise in future can be challenged in court. Hence, in signing the agreement a CR does not give up his legal right to challenge the contents in future.

12. Clause 1b of the confidentiality undertaking states that the CR needs to ensure that he has patient consent to be in theatre. What does this mean?

The consent for the presence of a CR during the procedure is obtained by the HCP from the patient either as an inclusion in the routine consent form or in a separate consent form but the obligation to obtain the consent rests with the HCP. Netcare has informed HCPs of this requirement.

However, from the company perspective, the CR needs to confirm with the HCP (verbally or in writing according to company policy) that the patient has given consent hence the clause in the Confidentiality Undertaking. Once the Confidentiality Undertaking is signed the CR, in effect, takes on the obligation to ensure that he has patient consent for every case even though he himself is not obtaining this consent.

13. Where can I obtain the necessary documents (confidentiality undertaking and declaration form)?

As of 1 Nov 2016, all forms are completed using electronic signatures. 

The forms will appear under Step 4 in your CRICE CAMS mobile application. The forms will be completed  on your mobile device electronically. 

Once you have accessed Step 4, you will do the following: 

  • Click on the ‘view’ button 
  • Complete all fields. You may partially complete, save and return to complete. 
  • Click on the SUMBIT button and a green (tick) will appear if successfully submitted.

14. Is the hepatitis B vaccination compulsory? If staff has an anti-vaccine approach, should we not uphold the basic human right to refuse? If a CR is a carrier of Hep B, what would the course of action be? What if the CR is pregnant/breastfeeding and has been advised not to have the Hep B vaccination?

The above situations will be handled on a case-by-case basis as follows:

  • Firstly, it is the company’s responsibility to assess the risk that such refusal may pose to the employee, other employees and patients and to determine how the company will mitigate such risk. This requires review of the CR activities and evaluation of exposure to possibility of Hep B transmission to and from
  • Thereafter, the company should provide a synopsis, on company letterhead, of the above risk evaluation and mitigation strategy to MTS who will centrally coordinate the discussion with Netcare and/or other relevant parties.
  • For pregnant/breastfeeding CR please include the dates where CR will require access without the Hep B vaccination.

15. Do all levels of access (White, Blue and Green) require declarations by Company Representative and hence the Hep B vaccination?

No, the CRICE General (White card) does not require Declarations and hence does not require Hep B vaccination. Green and Blue card access

16. For CRICE Including Sterile Field programme (Green Card), how do I go about completing the practical aseptic technique observations?

Practical observation of aseptic techniques (scrub techniques) ONLY for CRICE Including Sterile Field (Green Card)

  1. The practical course (including Sterile Field) was specifically designed for people who routinely enter the sterile field (option 1). However, we have provided options 2 and 3 below for people who do not routinely enter the sterile field but may do so in future.
  2. Observation of your aseptic techniques is NOT intended to be a training session but a competency assessment. You must be familiar with the techniques PRIOR to the observations. Please view the videos in the e-learning programme and practice your aseptic techniques with colleagues, friends and family before attempting the practical observations. Hospital personnel have been quite willing to collaborate on this initiative but are NOT required to do this as part of their job and do so on a voluntary basis.
  3. If a hospital’s aseptic procedure differs to the checklist, please amend on the checklist itself. We will review amendments and query if necessary.
  4. You must be observed on the closed-gloving technique even though you may not routinely perform this technique. You may therefore perform this in dummy sessions.
    • Perform this practical in the presence of a colleague from your company (NOT done at hospitals). Your colleague must have a clinical or medical qualification and must have experience with donning and doffing of PPE. Colleagues who are nurses, doctors, first aiders, OHS safety officers, lab techs etc typically qualify on both criteria. 
  1. Two different observers (on two separate occasions) who are currently registered with SANC/HPCSA and who have either a Theatre Qualification or Theatre Experience to observe your aseptic techniques and complete the Observation Checklist
  2. Practical observations can be completed at ANY hospital. 

Completion of Electronic Observation Checklist  

Practical aseptic technique is only applicable to Including Sterile field (Green) course. Observers will complete the electronic observation checklist which appears under the steps on CRICE CAMS mobile application 

You have three options to complete the practical component. 

Very Important: Irrespective of the option chosen below please take note of the following:   

  • Two observations are required on to different occasions (second can occur immediately after the first)  
  • Two different observers must be selected for each observation.  
  • Observers must have theatre experience and must be either a registered nurse with a valid SANC number or a registered medical doctor with a valid HPCSA Registration Number.  
  • SANC Numbers start with the number 1 and are 8 digits long.  
  • HPCSA Registration Numbers start with letters MP and have 7 digits  
  • They will complete the Observation Checklist Practical observations.  

Option 1 

During your next routine visit (s) into theatre at ANY HOSPITAL where you are required to scrub, request any 2 observers who meet the above criteria to observe your aseptic techniques and complete the Observation Checklist. 

Option 2 

You and/or your company may arrange to have 2 different observers who meet above to observer your aseptic techniques in dummy runs in-house. This option is especially viable if you have experienced scrub sisters in your team who are currently registered with SANC and for reps who do not have sufficient experience with scrubbing, gowning and gloving as it can be a combined training and assessment session. 

Option 3 

Netcare has agreed to provide the third option which includes a training component at Netcare campuses at a nominal fee. Your company may enrol a team of 10 or more people into the Netcare 1 day programme at any of the Netcare campuses nationwide. Click here for more info on cost, campus locations and course.

This is a viable option for reps who are required to complete the practical but have not had sufficient experience with scrubbing, gowning and gloving as it is a combined training and assessment session.

17. I cannot access my CRICE training programme.

If you had been successfully enrolled into the program, you would have received an email from with login information and instructions. Your point of contact at your company would be in CC. If you are unable to find this email, please check your spam email box or ask the point of contact at your company to forward.

18. I cannot gain access to the hospital facility as the error message says “criteria for access not met”. Could you please advise?

There are 2 reasons for denied access:

  1.  Attempt to breach level of access (blue cardholder accessing green zone).
  2. Scanning Check-out code without scanning Check-In code

Please use the Contact Us button within CRICE CAMS to report any problems with scanning the QR Code or any other problems.

19. The following message “Please provide USN Code” is appearing when some of the reps attempt to sign in at hospitals. Can you please advise?

The USN code is a code that the Pharmacy Manager receives when they receive their QR codes from Masoom.

  1. On entering the hospital facility, open your CRICE CAMS app, grant permission to access your location and follow the pop-up instruction to proceed to the Pharmacy Manger.
  2. A USN Code will be required to be entered for the very first time that you enter a hospital, once you have received your Digital CRICE Access Card.
  3. The Pharmacy Manager will be in possession of a printed or electronic copy of their USN Code.
  4. The Pharmacy Manager will then enter their USN Code and cross check that the uploaded profile picture matches the sales rep based on which the profile picture will now be locked-in and you will not be able to change it. 
  5. Once the Pharmacy Manager has confirmed your identity, click on the Digital CRICE Access Card button which opens the camera.
  6. Face your phone towards the QR Code and a ‘Checked In’ message will appear on your screen.
  7. Likewise on check-out, report to correct Pharmacy Manager and scan check out QR Code.

20. For the ‘Company Declaration’, how do I go about completing this form?

The Company Declaration form is completed by the company and NOT you. This form does not apply to CRICE General – White card holders

  1. Your company has appointed and authorised person to sign on its behalf.
  2. Complete this persons’ name and email address and click on ‘Save and Send email’.
  3. The authorised person will receive a link from and can access to complete directly from the email link. 
  4. If you do not know who the authorised person is, then ask your CRICE Point of Contact who is in cc on this email.

21. How do I clear data stored on app?

Please follow below instructions:

  1. Go to Settings on your android phone
  2. Click on App and/or All Apps
  3. Find CRICE CAMS from list and click
  4. Click on Storage
  5. Click on Clear Cache first
  6. Now click on Clear data
  7. Click on OK and restart phone
  8. If above does not work, see if an update is required by the app. If not, uninstall and re-install from Playstore.

22. I am struggling to scan a QR Code, what should I do?

Please ensure that you check the following:

  1. Uninstall and reinstall the CRICE CAMS app to refresh.
  2. You may have not completed the course, ensure you have completed training (4 steps must appear ticked)
  3. There may have been updates, and your card has been revoked and will be reinstated as soon as you complete the updates.
  4. Ensure you have given permission for the app to access your GPS location and camera.
  5. If above does not work, then click on the Contact Us button in the CRICE CAMS app and send a message.
  6. If you have resigned, your account has been deactivated.

23. I cannot gain access to the hospital facility as the error message says “You are away from actual scanned location” Could you please advise?

You might have taken a picture of the QR code and are trying to scan at a different location. All QR code a geographically tagged and are required to be scanned at the actual facility/hospital.

Please use the Contact Us button within CRICE CAMS to report any problems with scanning the QR Code or any other problems.

24. I cannot gain access to the hospital facility as the error message says “You are already checked-in at this facility” Could you please advise?

You have scanned a Check-In Code and are trying to scan another Check-In Code; you will be required to scan a Check-Out Code before you can scan the other Check-In Code.

Please use the Contact Us button within CRICE CAMS to report any problems with scanning the QR Code or any other problems.

25. How can I access my CRICE application?


  1. To access, you are required to download the CRICE CAMS Mobile Application from Google PlayStore (Android devices) or Apple Store (iOS such as iPhone and iPad) on your smartphone or tablet.
  2. Click below icons or search CRICE CAMS on the Play Store or Apple Store.
  3. On successful download, the CRICE CAMS icon will appear on your smartphone or tablet.
  4. CRICE CAMS requires access to the camera (front and back) and location (GPS) features within your phone. Please ensure that you allow access. Your permission will further be requested each time that you access a hospital facility.
  5. Your username and password would have been sent to you from an email at
  6. If unable to access, send an email to
  7. You are required to log-out on a regular basis. To log-out, click on burger bar on top left corner and then on exit icon on bottom left corner.

26. I received my access information, how do I now complete the CRICE Programme?

On successfully completing the CRICE Programme (completion of steps 1 to 4) on the CRICE CAMS Mobile Application and you will receive your CRICE Certificate you will have access to your Digital CRICE Access Card.

Completion in just 4 easy steps:

Step 1: User Profile

  1. Upload a headshot (head and neck) digital picture by clicking the little camera visual that appears next to the profile picture bubble.
  2. Your pic will require verification at your first scanning by entry of a USN code which hospital gatekeeper will have.
  3. After 3 attempts your pic upload facility will blocked
  4. On completion, your screen will default to Step 2

Step 2: E-learning

  1. You must view all of the E-Learning screens to have access to the Assessment, step 3.
  2. On completion, your screen will default to Step 3

Step 3: Assessment

  1. You need to score at least 80%
  2. You are only given 3 attempts
  3. Should you fail, you will have to be re-enrolled at normal course price.
  4. On completion, your screen will default to Step 4

Step 4: Electronic Forms

  1. Click on the ‘view’ button.
  2. Complete all fields. You may partially complete, save and return to complete
  3. Click on the SUBMIT button and a green (tick) will appear if successfully submitted

27. How do we use the ‘Contact Us’ feature?

Please make use of this feature to report any problems with scanning the QR Code or any other problems.

  1. Click on Contact Us which is the last option when clicking the burger toolbar which appears on the top left corner of your screen.
  2. Complete form
  3. Submit

28. My CRICE account has been deactivated, please advise.


  1. The CRICE Programme MUST be completed within 30 days of enrolment, failing to do so will result in the deactivation of your account. A penalty fee is required for reactivation.
  2. Please contact your CRICE POC to assist if your account has been deactivated.

29. If I am in the process of completing the CRICE Programme and will be required to gain interim access on a limited number of occasions, what can I do?

To show progress you have made on your app but access into the facility is solely at the discretion of hospital staff.

30. What does ‘New’ learner mean?

‘New’ refers to an employee that is new to your company, in other words it is someone whose employed at your company.

The employee can either be:

  1. New to the industry and employed at your company for the very first time
  2. A person who has been transferred from another company to your company and who has not been issued with a CRICE Card at the previous company.
  3. A person who has been transferred with a valid Digital CRICE Access Card from another to company to your company.

31. How do I go about completing the Netcare Donning and Doffing Practical?

Practical Donning and Doffing of PPE checklist form only applicable to Including Sterile field (Green) and Excluding Sterile Field (Blue) courses.

  • Perform this practical in the presence of a colleague from your company (NOT done at hospitals). Your colleague must have a clinical or medical qualification and must have experience with donning and doffing of PPE. Colleagues who are nurses, doctors, first aiders, OHS safety officers, lab techs etc. typically qualify on both criteria. 
  • Observations may be done face-2-face via video enabled calls such as Teams, Zoom, WhatsApp etc.  
  • If required PPE is not on hand, you may improvise (eg: use kitchen apron instead of plastic apron) BUT the techniques and sequence of procedures must be adhered to.  
  • If your colleague is not present to sign, use the email facility within the form itself to email to your colleague for signature. 